24.8. User-Defined Fields in Contacts

Outlook allows users to create custom fields for contacts in addition to the predefined fields (Menu bar "Contacts > Show > All fields", select from User-defined fields in this item). These can be created by contact folder and then filled with specific content for individual contacts.

The Intra2net Groupware Client can also synchronize these user-defined fields to the server and thus make them usable across different workstations or users. However, a definition file for these fields must be available on all workstations before they can be used for the first time.

The definition file is an XML file, called userdefined_sync_fields.xml, and by default it is located in the program folder where the Intra2net Groupware Client is installed. However, the path of this file can be changed in the registry by setting SyncTemplatesFilePath (see Section 30.2, „Advanced Registry Settings“).

With the Intra2net Groupware Client, an example file is provided as userdefined_sync_fields_template.xml, which contains a detailed description and examples of how to create user-defined fields. Copy this template file to userdefined_sync_fields.xml and open it with an XML editor (such as Oxygen, EditiX or XMLSpy). Everything else is described in the sample file.

The user-defined fields can currently only be accessed with the Intra2net Groupware Client. They cannot be edited or displayed in the web groupware or via ActiveSync.