11.2. Access to the Proxy

The HTTP proxy of the Intra2net system is normally on port 3128, but this can be changed under Services > Proxy > Settings.

To use the proxy directly, it must be specified in the browser of each client. The proxy can then be used for HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.

The transparent proxy can also be used for HTTP. There are no requirements to configure anything on the client and the Intra2net system forwards all HTTP requests (transparent for the client) to the proxy. The Transparent Proxy does not work for HTTPS and FTP. On the Intra2net system, the Transparent Proxy is activated using the clients' firewall rules.

If the proxy is to be used to block access to certain pages, it should be made sure that the proxy cannot be bypassed. This can be done by setting "Forced Proxy" in the client's firewall rule.