Intra2net AG

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
libt2n::BasicSocketWrapperBasic implementation of ConnectionWrapper
libt2n::detail::Call< R >
libt2n::detail::Call< void >
libt2n::client_connection(generic) connection from client to server. Abstract
libt2n::commandCommand that can be serialized. abstract
libt2n::command_clientClient sending out commands to a server
libt2n::command_serverServer handling incoming commands
libt2n::connectionConnection between client and server. abstact
libt2n::ConnectionWrapperProvide access to client_connection singletons and call-handling function
libt2n::Derived_from< T, B >
libt2n::dummy_client_connectionPlaceholder-client_connection which is closed all the time
libt2n::group_command_server< COMMAND_GROUP >Server handling group of incoming commands
libt2n::ReconnectIgnoreFailureSocketWrapperWrapper implementing reconnect-then-ignore
libt2n::ReconnectSocketWrapperWrapper implementing reconnect-then-throw
libt2n::resultBase class for the results that are returned from commands
libt2n::result_containerResult (return value as libt2n::result or an libt2n::t2n_exception) of a executed command
libt2n::serverServer base class
libt2n::server_connectionConnection on a server
libt2n::socket_client_connectionConnection from client to server using sockets
libt2n::socket_handlerHandles socket based communication. Don't use directly, use socket_server or socket_client_connection instead
libt2n::socket_serverSocket based server class
libt2n::socket_server_connectionSocket based connection
libt2n::t2n_command_errorIllegal libt2n command received
libt2n::t2n_communication_error(unspecified) problem with libt2n communication
libt2n::t2n_connect_errorCan't connect to libt2n server
libt2n::t2n_exceptionGeneric exception that can be handeled with libt2n
libt2n::t2n_runtime_errorRuntime error within the remote function. derive your own custom exceptions from this one
libt2n::t2n_serialization_errorError serializing or deserializing a libt2n command packet
libt2n::t2n_server_errorError establishing a socket on the server (only thrown on the server-side)
libt2n::t2n_transfer_errorError transmitting or receiving libt2n messages
libt2n::t2n_version_mismatchTried to talk to an incompatible libt2n version
libt2n::T2nSingletonWrapper< Client >Wrap calls to server-side-functions with different error-handling strategies
libt2n::detail::TypeWrap< T >
libt2n::detail::TypeWrap< void >

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